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Student ID Cards: A guide to their uses and benefits

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Student ID Cards: A guide to their uses and benefits

Student ID cards are an essential tool in educational institutions, providing a means of identification and authentication for students. If your institution does not provide ID cards, then you may want to consider making this simple change to improve the experience and security of everyone on-site.

In this blog post, we will discuss the uses and benefits of student ID cards and why every educational institution should have a student ID card system.

Why should you have a student ID card system?

There are several reasons why every educational institution should have a student ID card system, including:

Identification of students and staff

Student ID cards serve as a means of identification for both students and staff. They allow teachers and administrators to quickly and easily identify who belongs on site and who does not. In the case of emergencies or security breaches, student identification cards can be used to verify a person's identity and ensure that everybody is safe.

Security and access control

Student ID cards also serve as a means of security. They allow schools to restrict access to certain areas of the campus, such as laboratories or computer rooms, to only those with valid ID cards. It also means that you can restrict access to areas at different times of day, to ensure that there are only students in those places when they should be. Student ID cards also help prevent outsiders from gaining access to the campus, ensuring that students and staff remain safe. For example, teachers with access to certain rooms, such as a storage room, can enter the room themselves and do not have to borrow a physical key from another faculty member which can be easily lost. ID cards are also easy to carry and so don’t cause any hassle for students or staff.

Attendance tracking

Student ID cards can also be used to track attendance. By presenting ID cards to a reader as students enter classrooms or other events, schools can quickly and easily determine who is present and who is absent. This is much more efficient than using paper registers or having to call out a verbal attendance check at the start of every session and log the data manually.

Cashless payments

Finally, student ID cards can be used for cashless payments. By loading money onto a student's ID card, schools can eliminate the need for students to carry cash or credit cards on them. This not only makes transactions more convenient, but it also helps prevent theft and allows parents to track their spending. This is much more efficient for everyone involved and allows transactions to be made more easily and quickly.

Benefits of student ID cards

In addition to the reasons why every educational institution should have a student ID card system, there are also several benefits to using student ID cards. These benefits include:


Student ID cards offer benefits beyond campus by enabling students to access discounts from local businesses. For example, some businesses may wish to offer a local student discount, and with an ID card, students can conveniently identify themselves. This can help students save money on essential purchases such as textbooks.

Increased security

Student ID cards help increase security on campus. They make it easier to verify a person's identity. For example, student ID cards can be worn on bright lanyards, making it easy to identify unauthorised individuals in an organisation as they will be without a student ID lanyard.

Schools can also choose to use different colours and styles of cards and lanyards to distinguish students from staff members. This means in the case of a serious incident, such as a fire, students or visitors to the school site will be able to identify a relevant teacher or staff member quickly and efficiently.

Improved organization

ID cards play a significant role in improving campus organisation. They enable faculty members to track attendance, exam-taking, and other academic activities with ease, reducing their administrative burden.

Additionally, student ID cards can be linked to other campus systems like library access, campus security, and meal plans, which improves the overall convenience of accessing essential resources on campus. For example, students can eat and enjoy their lunch at a faster pace if the lunch staff don’t have to handle money or give change which can be time-consuming compared to scanning an ID card.

In conclusion, student ID cards are an essential tool for educational institutions. By implementing a student ID card system, schools can improve organization and provide a safer experience for everyone involved. To find out more about the benefits of student ID cards for your specific institution, or to find out how to implement them in your school, be sure to get in touch with us at ID Cards Direct. Our friendly team are always on hand to help, so don’t hesitate to call us or use our online contact form to get in touch with us today!